Junior Optimist Clubs
There are three levels of Junior Optimist Clubs:
Elementary Junior Optimist Clubs, Alpha Club, and Youth Code
Youth Code (for Alpha Clubs)
I Promise to-
Honor my parents and those whom experience has made wise.
Respect the beliefs of others.
Value all my friendships and ensure they are true.
Treasurer and nurture my mind and body.
Be diligent and work at each task according to its importance.
Strive to be courteous at all times and truthful with everyone I meet.
Manage my money wisely and control materialism.
Respect all living things and help maintain the balance of life.
Work to become independent, always think for myself, set high goals in life and dedicate myself to the service of others
High School Junior Optimist Clubs
**We have a junior club at Central York High School led by Advisors Tara Goodrich and Rachel Grove.
We are seeking more Junior Optimist Clubs. Each new club is sponsored by the adult Optimist Club to begin. Each club determines the needs of their school and their community and designs projects and programs to support those needs. The adult club is there is provide guidance and support to the Junior clubs. Middle school and high school clubs learn the Optimist Creed.
2024/2025 Photo Contest
The photography contest is open to students in high school under the age of 19 as of October 1, 2024.
Students may submit up to 3 photos; each must be taken by the student and illustrate one of the ten points of the Optimist Creed. No contestant may be awarded prizes for more than one picture.
All contestants and their parent/guardian must complete the half page 2024/2025 application and sign where designated.
The photograph will be judged both on its photographic quality and its aptness in illustrating the particular Creed statement. Preference will be given to a photo that illustrates the Creed versus a beautiful photograph that doesn’t especially match the Creed statement.
Photos may be any size from 4 X 6 to 8 X 10, black and white or color, film or digital. If a digital camera is used, the submitted photo should not be "photo-shopped" other than cropping, or the sort of adjustment for brightness, contrast, etc. that a film photographer might do in the darkroom.
Photos should be matted, with the Creed statement clearly indicated on the front of the matte. The completed half sheet must be taped to the back of each photograph. .
The deadline for all entries to the school representative is Thursday, December 5, 2024. The Optimist representative will pick up all entries by Monday, December 9th. We will contact each school on Friday, December 6, 2024 for your number of entries.
Three judges will evaluate the photographs. The chairperson will tally the scores and determine the winners. Only the photography chairperson will know the results. Contestants may not review the scoring of the judges.
Our local club will award $125 for first place, $75 for second place, and $50 for third place. All three winners will be invited to a luncheon to learn their placement and receive their scholarship money.
The top three winners will then have their photograph forwarded to the District Contest. The District Contest will award cash prizes of $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place.